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What Poetry offers to Literature, Puppetry can bring to the Theatre. “Metamorphosis” is a collection of original short stories not told with words, but with the metaphorical grace of Puppets.
The context of the vignettes ranges from the trivial to the metaphysical. A strong emphasis lies on imagery, made possible through the surrealistic quality inherit in Puppets.
“Metamorphosis” depicts the constantly changing nature of our existence and our perception. Nothing remains the way it seems to be, as it does not matter what we see but how we see it. .
The cast consists of the most intricate marionettes and rod puppets carved of wood, as well as unforgettable characters created simply with silk scarves and the hands and feet of the puppeteer.
Metamorphosis – Poetry in motion was premiered at the National Theater of Iceland May 14th 2006, and has since been performed with critical acclaim around the globe.
This is our most successful and most practical performance for International touring. As it is non-verbal there no need for translation. The show consists of many different individual stories and can be adjusted in length and content to address either a family – or strictly adult-oriented audience.